Work Points

Riders wishing to work an event must complete this form prior to your race. First come first serve. If something comes up and you cannot make it please let us know ASAP so we can fill the spot. If you no show you are subject to not working a race the following season. Do not apply for a race over 3 months out. Work points are equal to best finish. 

Must work either a work day prior to the race or the day of the race.

Workers arrive at 7:15 for set up and stay until the race is over for tear down (scoring, podium, etc.) Expect to be at the race from 7:15 to 4:30. If you are late you are subject to no work points. You must sign in upon arrival.

Check in with Stick or Red when you arrive to start setting up the podium, start, and scoring area.

Adult classes only*