I have never raced with SECCA. What do I need to race an event and how much will it cost?
When you arrive there is a $15 per person Gate Fee (6-12 yrs is $10; 5 & under is free).
You need a membership (available online.) A one day pass will get you a temporary number. If you want a permanent number you must request online.
You will need a Mototally transponder. These are $15 at the event and we can program yours if you already have one. We do not rent transponders.
Your class race fee is $40 for adults & $30Youth/Girls or $25 for minis.
How do I get a membership and/or number?
You can get your number and membership by visiting the links below. There are different links for Adults and Kids/Girls. If you want a permanent number you must request online not at a race.
Adult Membership
Kids Membership
I registered online for a number but I do not see it online yet. When will it show up?
These have to be manually approved so once we review the number you will be assigned the first available and be notified via email. You must request a number online in order to secure it for the year.
What class can I ride?
If you race in another series you should race the same skill level as that. If you race motocross you are able to ride one level difference in off-road. Check out the Rule Book for details of each class.
Do I need an AMA card?
No, SECCA is not AMA sanctioned..
How do I register for a race?
You can register online prior to the event by visiting the preregistration links under the Registration tab. These are only for members who already have a Mototally transponder that has been programmed to SECCA. Online signup ends Thursday evening at 4PM prior to the race.
Racers can register the day of the event up until 11:30.
My assigned number doesn’t match my bike number. Do i need a new bike number and a certain color background?
No, Secca will provide a helmet sticker to be placed on the left side of your helmet for scoring to see. We do have suggested color backgrounds that are industry known… Red = A, Yellow = B, White/Black = C
If my scores are messed up what do I do?
First, be sure you have your right transponder and number on your helmet. Next, follow up with scoring (not while bikes are coming through) and let them know your name and number to investigate. Be sure to not walk up to the scoring tent with your helmet. We normally have a clipboard so you can write your info down. You can always email or fb message us during the day as well with the issue.
Is the race cancelled?
Unless it is posted on the website, social media, emailed, and/or texted that it is cancelled the race is on. We always post and distribute the info as soon as we make a decision.
Is camping allowed the night before?
All races have Friday night Camping.
Can I work a race for points?
Yes, workers are allowed 1 event for work points. Fill out the work form here. Workers MUST report at 7:15 to qualify for work points.
I was not able to pick up my award at the race or banquet. How can I get it?
We can mail you the award via our online store or bring to the next race. We keep most awards for a few weeks after a race.
How the drop races work?
All racers are allotted (2) throw away race per season. The riders lowest finish including DNS or DNF is automatically dropped from the point standings at the end of the season.
Can I sweep ride?
We do not use volunteers as sweep riders. It must be an approved club member or appointed by SECCA to sweep ride the course.
How do the 2 moto format races score?
We combine both moto finishes (not based off time but actual position.) Add them together and the lowest wins with moto 2 being the tie breaker. This is the same method Amateur Motocross uses and known as “Olympic Style” scoring.
Is pit riding allowed?
No pit riding at any events by minors. Adults using bikes, golf carts, etc to get from spot to spot must be 1st gear or 5 mph. Racers keep your bike at your trailer until time to go to the start line/riders meeting. All adult bikes must shut off on the starting line prior to the green flag. After the race please ride back to your trailer or away from the finish line. Do not park near the scoring tent or walk up to the tent (especially with your helmet on.) Parents, please help keep kids away from moving vehicles when on bicycles.
How do you pronounce SECCA?
Not SEECA – https://www.howtopronounce.com/secca
Can I wear a GoPro?
Yes, POV cameras are allowed.
What GoPro should I buy?
Ask Donnie