SECCA L.L.C. Southeast Cross-Country Association Rulebook
- Organization
- SECCA hosts races throughout the southeast. Race formats will vary (Section VI)
- Information
- All series information can be found online at
- Updates are provided via website, email, texts, social media.
- Signup @ 8:00 – 11:30 am
- Riders Meeting / Kids awards 11:00 am
- Class Race awards
- Top 5 for Kids, Schoolboy, Junior, C 250
- Top 3 for adult classes
- Series Awards / Points
- January – December season
- 1 work credit (adult classes only) and 2 race drops. Must race 65% to be eligible for banquet awards. 11 races = 9 best scores and 7 races to attend banquet
- SECCA season awards top 3 A and B classes. Top 5 for C classes, Junior, & Kids.
- Insurance
- No rider medical insurance is provided. If you do not have insurance, we suggest you do not participate.
- General
- All racers must be sportsmanlike. Any unsportsmanlike conduct is prohibited.
- No alcohol or illegal substances allowed on race property.
- Race formats will vary and will be posted week prior to race.
- General AMA rules apply if no promoter rule is in place.
- Campers welcome at all events
- Memberships
- Memberships are purchased online and allows riders to save their number, accumulate points, and preregister for events. Click here to get your membership – Adults or Kids/Girls
- Factory Contingency accounts must match emails with your SECCA Mototally email.
- Split Start format – 1 moto each 11:30 55+/Schoolboy/C/D – 90 minutes 1:30 AA/A/B – 105 minutes
- Single format 1 race All adult bikes 11:30 a.m.
- 2 moto format – combine moto scores for overall. Olympic style scoring 11:30 – All classes 1:30 – All classes
- 4 moto format – combine moto scores for overall. Olympic style scoring 11:30 a.m. 50+ B/Schoolboy/C/D 12:30 p.m. A/B 1:30 p.m. 50+ B/Schoolboy/C/D 2:30 p.m. A/B
- Membership: $40
- One day passes: $5
- Race fee cost: $40/race
- Transponder: $15 (good from year to year – 2-year warranty)
- Gate fee cost: $15 / Ages 6-12 is $10 / Ages 5 & under is free.
PM Race Classes
- AA: 125cc – up. Any rider that is classified as AA, Expert, or Pro in other events.
- 250 A: 125cc -250cc. Any rider that is classified as “A” in other events.
- 251cc – Open A: 251cc – up. Any rider that is classified as “A” in other events. 251cc – up. Must be able to prove CC’s.
- 30+ A: Any rider that is classified as “A” in other events over the age of 30 on day of event.
- 40+ A: Any rider that is classified as “A” in other events over the age of 40 on day of event.
- 50+ A: Any rider that is classified as “A” in other events over the age of 50 on day of event.
- 250 B: Any rider that has advanced from C class. Any rider that is classified as “B” in other events. 85cc – 250cc.
- Junior (12-17): Riders must be 12-17 years old; More experienced riders.
- 251cc – Open B: Any rider that has advanced from C class. Any rider that is classified as “B” in other events. 251cc-up. Must be able to prove CC’s.
- 30+ B Any rider that is classified as “B” in other events over the age of 30 on day of event.
- 40+ B: Any rider that is classified as “B” in other events over the age of 40 on day of event.
- 50+ B: Any rider that is classified as “B” in other events over the age of 50 on day of event.
AM Race Classes
- 55+: Riders over 55 years old, A & B riders
- Schoolboy (12-15): 85cc-250F; Cannot have participated in A or B class in other events; Age on Jan 1 good through season.
- 250 C: Any rider that has advanced from D class. Any rider that is classified as “C” in other events. 85cc – 250cc.
- 251cc – Open C: Any rider that has been advanced from D class. Any rider that is classified as “C” in other events. 251cc – up. Must be able to prove CC’s.
- 4 Stroke C: Any full size 4 stroke where rider is classified as a “C” rider in other events.
- 30+ C: Any rider that is classified as “C” in other events over the age of 30 on day of event.
- 40+ C: Any rider that is classified as “C” in other events over the age of 40 on day of event.
- 45+ C: Any rider that is classified as “C” in other events over the age of 45 on day of event.
- 50+ C: Any rider that is classified as “C” in other events over the age of 50 on day of event.
- 55+ C: Any rider that is classified as “C” in other events over the age of 55 on day of event.
- 60+ C: Any rider that is classified as “C” in other events over the age of 60 on day of event.
- Vintage: 20 + Year old bikes with drum brakes AND air cooled
- Pre-Mod: Bikes 20+ years old
- Trail Rider: No race awards or points. Designed for new riders who are unsure of class or do not want to interfere with points.
- Women: Women 13+ years old. 85cc 2T +
- Beginner: Beginner riders Riders are allowed 2 podium finishes or 1 win before advancement. Riders at 75% Adv Percentile will be moved up next race. Class is at the promoter’s discretion. We will force you to move up if necessary. NO POINTS AWARDED.
- SECCA reserves the right to move a rider up or down in classification.
- MUST BE 12 YEARS + / 85cc 2 stroke + TO ENTER ADULT RACE
- Classes will take off 30-60 seconds apart unless noted otherwise.
- All classes must shut their bikes off for the first row. Riders must keep bikes off while other rows are starting.
- The starter will signal 10 seconds by placing the flag on the ground. When the flag is raised riders may start their bike and go.
- Electronic transponder scoring system.
- Olympic style scoring for two moto races. Moto finishes are combined for total & moto 2 is the tiebreaker.
- Must have race number on side of your helmet. You will receive this at sign up. Must be by the JAW.
- Scores displayed in scoring tent and on live timing are unofficial.
- Riders must ride single file through scoring lane.
- Speeding through tent is 30 sec penalty first offense. Second is loss of lap.
- Once the results are posted there will be a 15-minute protest period.
- Numbers 1-10 are reserved for the previous year top 10 or AA class.
- Racers will be issued a transponder and number. Transponders are good year to year.
- Any rider taking off on the wrong row will be docked 1 lap.
- Any rider who missed getting scored must show the number on helmet in correct location and transponder at end of race.
- Any rider missing the start must enter the course before the end of lap 1. Once a lap is complete no racer can enter the course
- The lane leading to the scoring tent is idle speed and no passing. If the Checker flag is out before scoring tent that is the finish line and riders will ride single file through tent.
- Rider may only pass in no pass zone if another rider is stalled in the area.
- Speeding through tent is 30 sec penalty first offense. Second is loss of lap.
- Yellow flags notes use caution through area – slow down.
- Red flag means race must be restarted and to exit the course.
- White flag will be given with one more lap to go.
- Black flag means racer is DQ’d or being penalized.
- Blue flag means you are being lapped by race leaders.
- Checker flag means the race is over.
- Scoring will close 1.5 times the leader’s last lap time after the checker flag is given. Scorers may extend the scoring close time at their discretion. i.e. lap time = 20 min race is over at 30 min after checker flag.
- It is the rider’s responsibility to see and take notice of the “RACE OVER” indicators. Riders must not re-enter the course after the “Race Over” and/or “Checkered flag” has been displayed indicating the end of the race. A rider who re-enters the course and completes a lap after the checkered flag is displayed will be penalized. Penalty will be loss of the “extra” lap score plus the loss of the score for the last lap completed.
- In the event the checkered flag is mistakenly displayed before the official distance has been completed, the race will be considered complete as of the lap when the checkered flag was shown.
- In the event the checkered flag is mistakenly displayed after the official distance has been completed, the race will be considered complete as of the lap when the checkered flag should have been displayed.
Class overall points
1st =25 | 2nd =22 | 3rd = 20 | 4th= 18 | 5th= 16 |
6th= 15 | 7th= 14 | 8th= 13 | 9th= 12 | 10th= 11 |
11th= 10 | 12th= 9 | 13th= 8 | 14th= 7 | 15th= 6 |
16th= 5 | 17th= 4 | 18th= 3 | 19th= 2 | 20th= 1 |
Overall Points
1st = 40 | 2nd = 35 | 3rd = 31 | 4th= 28 | 5th= 26 |
6th= 25 | 7th= 24 | 8th= 23 | 9th= 22 | 10= 21 |
11th= 20 | 12th= 19 | 13th= 18 | 14th= 17 | 15th= 16 |
16th= 15 | 17th= 14 | 18th= 13 | 19th= 12 | 20th= 11 |
21st= 10 | 22nd= 9 | 23rd= 8 | 24th= 7 | 25th= 6 |
26th= 5 | 27th= 4 | 28th= 3 | 29th= 2 | 30th= 1 |
- End of Season standings tie breakers go to the most wins. If a tie occurs the tiebreaker goes by most wins then it goes to 2nds and so on. Work Points count towards corresponding finish.
- A rider may work one (1) event for work points: points = best finish
- Workers MUST request work points via the online form. 5-10 workers dependent on event. First come first serve.
- Workers must have approval prior to the race to work and must be in good standing from prior work events.
- Riders must complete at least 1 lap in 1 moto to receive points.
- SECCA year members will receive points for end of year awards and keep number from year to year.
- Members receive points from date of membership and forward. Racers receive points for place finished.
- Series drops 2 lowest point races. i.e. 10 races = take best 8 scores
- ONLY Members receive points, but racers receive points for where they finish.
Rider Advancement
- Any B rider in the top 20 overall from the previous season moves to A class.
- Vet Class winners outside of top 20 overall must move to a younger age group (B 40+ to B 30+)
- Any C rider inside the top 10 C overall must advance to B the following season except the following:
- Vet Classes (30+ and up) 6-10th OA C must move up to a younger age class following year eligible to stay in C.
- Vet Classes winners outside top 10 overall must move up to a younger age group. (C 55+ to C 50+)
- Any Beginner rider must move to C after the 2nd podium finishes, 1st win, or > 75% Adv Percentile
- Top 3 Youth A promoted to Junior for adult race the following year.
- If a rider shows, they are clearly in the wrong class promoters hold the right to advance rider after the event. If advancements fall due to lack of participation or other outstanding reasons, we hold the right to overrule.
- Rider advancement will be dependent on Advancement Percentiles for riders not participating in enough races to be impacted by overall standings.
Rider Demotion
- Any rider who self-advances may move back 1 classification (A-B; B-C) if the rider has competed in no more than 2 races and not placed in top 30%.
- A self-advanced rider who finishes in the bottom 40% of class and did not place top 3 at any race may apply to drop down a classification.
- Other riders can request to change classification and only will be granted when it is clear said rider cannot compete at current level. Request must be made to or out contact form.
- Hare scramble courses will range anywhere from 5-10 miles long.
- GP Motos will be run approximately 45 – 60 min on the number of laps completed.
- Hare scramble type races will run 85-105 minutes for the 1 race.
- Am ~ 90 minutes & PM ~ 105 minutes
- The course will extend a maximum of 30 feet to the left or right of the arrows.
- Ribbon, banners, staked markings, etc. represent the limit of the course. A rider who rides through any such marking may be penalized up to disqualification. Tearing down course markings can cause serious event problems, and course misses by other riders.
- Riders must exercise the proper speed, and control always to avoid damaging any such markings, stakes, or barriers.
- If utilizing a MX track all racers must stay on the track unless ribbon or arrows are directing the course away from the track. If a rider exits the track, and they cannot enter where they exited, they must return in the closest entrance without gaining an advantage.
- If a portion of the trail becomes impassable (bottleneck), a rider may stray from the course enough to go around the bottleneck but must re-enter the course as soon as possible.
- The general minimal penalty is 30 seconds up to 1 lap.
- The rider must complete the moto on the bike they started on. Swapping bikes between motos (when 2 moto) is permitted. Once a rider leaves the start they must complete the race on that bike.
- Riders must wear a helmet, boots, and long pants during each race.
- No horns, sirens, etc. are allowed to be used on motorcycles during an event.
Bad Weather
- If severe weather is predicted one 2-hour race will be run to get the race in.
- If bad weather comes and one moto is complete, and we cannot continue we will count moto 1 as the official result.
SECCA Kids/Girls Harescrambles
Adult general rules apply
- $40 Year membership
- $5 One Day pass (non-members)
- $25 Mini Race 1 & 2
- $30 Youth/Preteen A/Girls
- $15 Transponder
8:30 am – 20 min 1 moto
- 50cc 4-6 – Mini 50’s – Cobra Jr, KTM Mini, Husky Mini, E3, E5 lowered & 10″ wheels (maximum seat height of 25″) , no 50SX
- Tadpoles 4-7 years –Entry level 50cc 4 strokes – DRZ50, TTR50, XR50, CRF50, CRF E – manual transmission – no clutch (Cannot Ride Tadpoles and another class in the same event)
- Peewee 4-7: PW50, JR50, KDX50, KTM E2, – 2 stroke auto transmission or e2 (Cannot Ride peewee and another class in the same event)
9:00 – 25 min 1 moto (white flag around 20 min)
- 50cc 7-9 – Any 50cc bike or E50, 12″ wheel
- Preteen B – (7-11) Beginner 65cc 2st/110cc 4st 14″ wheel max
- (Cannot Ride Preteen B and another class in the same event) PW 80 legal
- Preteen C – (6-11) Entry level 4 strokes – KLX 110, TTR 90/110, XR 70, DRZ 110, TTR 50, XR 50) & PW80
- (Cannot Ride Preteen C and another class in the same event)
9:45 – 40 min 1 moto
- Youth A – 12-14 yrs old 85cc – 112cc 2T/150cc 4T Max 19″ wheel max
- Youth B – 10-12 years old. 65cc – 85cc 2 stroke/ 150cc 4T Max 17″ wheel max
- Girls – 85cc-up
- Preteen A – 7-11 years old. 52cc – 65cc 2T/110cc 4T Max
- Electronic Transponder scoring will be used for Kids races.
- Racers will be issued a number to be placed on their helmet. Racers can keep numbers throughout the year.
- Once the results are posted there will be a 15-minute protest period.
- Points will be tallied for finish towards series points as follows:
1st = 25 | 2nd = 22 | 3rd = 20 | 4th= 18 | 5th= 16 |
6th= 15 | 7th= 14 | 8th= 13 | 9th= 12 | 10= 11 |
11th= 10 | 12th= 9 | 13th= 8 | 14th= 7 | 15th= 6 |
16th= 5 | 17th= 4 | 18th= 3 | 19th= 2 | 20th= 1 |
- ONLY Members receive points, but racers receive points for where they finish.
- 1 lap must be completed to receive points.
- The area leading into scoring tent is no passing zone. If the checker flag is out before scoring tent that is the finish line and riders will ride single file through tent.
- Speeding through tent is 30 sec penalty first offense. Second is loss of lap.
- Any rider who missed getting scored must show the number on helmet in correct location and transponder.
- Riders must wear a helmet, boots, and long pants during each race.
- The rider must complete the moto on the bike he/she started on. Once the rider leaves the start line they cannot swap bikes.
- 50cc 7-9/ Preteen B/ Preteen C riders will race for 20 minutes minimum. Approx 1-2 mile course
- Tadpoles / 50 4-6 / Peewee riders will race for 20 minutes minimum. Approx 1-2 mile course
- Youth / Girls / Preteen A will race for 40 minutes minimum. Approx 3-5 mile course
SECCA Strider/Stacyc Races
- Fees
- Race fee $5
- Classes
- 2 year olds
- 3 year olds
- 4+ year olds
- Stacyc 12”
- Stacyc 16”
- Sign up at 10:20 am. Race at 10:30 a.m.
- No Points