When buying a new transponder, bring your helmet to sign up, mount the transponder, then get it programmed.
Riders can have multiple transponders (but 1 mototally) on a helmet but they must be separated. About the only thing you should worry about with multiple tags on a helmet visor, is that they are separated by some distance, at least a quarter to a half of an inch preferably. They can’t be mounted on top of one another or crisscrossing each other. This includes one on top and one on bottom of visor.
Helmets with metal flakes, carbon, etc. need to have the transponder mounted on a chest protector, bar pad, or behind the number plate but the bike is last resort.
At future events, you can simply scan the transponder at signup to have your entry pop up on the screen. This ensures the right rider is being entered. Note that you can change the racing number at any time, and you do not ever need to “re-associate” that tag with the racer. The transponder is associated with a racer, not a class or bike# or anything else.
You can go to the series registration and reserve your number and/or get a membership prior to racing. If you have already raced with us please be sure to have a legible sticker on your helmet. It’s always good to bring your helmet and verify your transponder and number also on race day.
Please have only your SECCA number visible. We use this for more than just scoring. We can easily get your name, class, etc. from this if we need it quickly.
You may have been assigned a temporary number if you got it on race day. Be sure it is still your race number or go secure a permanent one here.
Kids/Girls Bike # and Memberships